‘I am grateful for the tutoring by Rik and Hans van der Laan, the architect nephews who became mentors for the in-depth understanding of the work of their uncle. Rik van der Laan taught me about the three building scales, and the Tomelilla analysis. Hans van der Laan continuous to provide new insights into the practical workings of the Plastic Number. His analysis of the cross and House Naalden are invaluable. Without these keys, this website would not have seen the light.
This website is dedicated to these great masters in architecture.’
Caroline Voet
This website is commissioned by the Van der Laan Foundation, with the support of Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.
The website is developed by Ass. Prof. Dr. Caroline Voet of KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture.
It is based on the PhD Between the Lines and its Margins on Dom Hans van der Laan’s 1977 publication The Architectonic Space, and all of his research through drawings and unpublished source material from the Van der Laan Archives. New drawings and analysis are made by Voet en De Brabandere. The website is designed by Mathieu Serruys and Joris Verdoodt.