Welcome to the digital study room of the Dutch Benedictine monk and architect Dom Hans van der Laan (1904-1991). The blue-grey chapters to the left guide you through his theory on the three architectonic scales and his own proportional series of the plastic number. The part on the right shows several practical examples for you to explore. You can easily switch between the two to become fully skilled in understanding Dom van der Laan’s design methods, to learn about architecture and space in general, and to make all these thoughts your own by drawing.
This material is for educational purposes, for you to explore freely. The website and its content are developed by Caroline Voet, Faculty of Architecture, KU Leuven, in collaboration with the Van der Laan Archives and the Van der Laan Foundation. Whenever you use its material, mention Dom Hans van der Laan, the correct copyright of the author Caroline Voet, the Van der Laan Archives, the photographers and artists involved.