The domain is 200 dm : 265 dm.
200 dm : 265 dm = 4:3
An axe is set to 1/7th. 6/7th remains.
37 dm : 228 dm = 1:7
The remaining domain is the divided in 1 and 3. These are two derived measures 56 dm and 172 dm.
56 dm : 172 dm = 1:3
In the other direction, a derived measure of 56 dm is deducted. 144 dm is a residual measure.
200 dm : 56 dm = 7:2
The first volume has the measures 172 dm (a derived) and 56 dm (a derived).
172 dm : 65 dm = 1:3
Note that the walls of 4 dm are position so that the axe is in the middle. So 2 dm on each side.
Then we take 1/5th of 200 dm to define the next volume.
37 dm : 200 dm = 1:5
This is also 2/3 of 200 dm, the length of the second volume.
130 dm : 200 dm = 2:3
The length of this second volume is 3/4 of the length of the first volume
130 dm :172 dm = 3:4
The cella is positioned.
On both sides of the volume, a double cella is provided. The measure of the cella is 1/7 of 200 dm or 28 dm.
The cella is a square of 28 dm x 28 dm.
28 dm : 200 dm = 1:7
From the cella, the thickness of the wall is defined. This is 1/7 of 28 dm or 4 dm.
4 dm : 28 dm = 1:7
4 dm is the measure of the wall.
From there the house is built.
Van der Laan leaves out the middle column of the double cella, he only provides the two piers that represent the cella.
As such, this transversal hall is built out of an ‘inside space’, existing out of two double cella’s framing a central ‘outside space’. The whole composition of inside and outside space in the house is represented by this living room.
The bay-measure of the hall is set out to a rhythm of 7 x 24 dm with a small margin of 4 dm on the left.
For the piers 9 dm is taken, this is 2/5th of 24 dm.
9 dm : 24 dm = 2:5
This is the pycnostylos.
From the width of 56 dm, 2/5 is taken for the width of the gallery.
21 dm : 56 dm = 2:5
For the central space of the living room, 3 bay-measures of 24 dm are chosen.
The piers are 2/5 of the bay-measure.
9 dm : 24 dm = 2:5
This is the pycnostylos.
The facade is divided into 9 equal parts of 18 dm.
An alternating rhythm is provided here of wide and narrow piers. As such, it is possible to compose the partition walls for the rooms inside.
Now all the functions are provided in the two volumes.
The 1/7 of 200 dm is taken to define the entrance gallery.
28 dm : 200 dm =1:7
The gallery is 37 dm to 172 dm.
37 dm : 172 dm = 2:9
The wall overlooking the court is divided into 4 bay-measures of 32 dm.
Also here a pier of 9 dm is taken. This is 2/7 of the bay measure.
9 dm : 32 dm = 2:7
This is the eustylos.
To define the wall at the fourth side of the garden, we subtract a cella of 28 dm from 228 dm.
228 dm -28 dm = 200 dm
200 dm is the sevenfold of the cella of 28 dm. As such, a garden arises which is the sevenfold of the cella.
28 dm : 200 dm = 1:7
As such, the garden wall completes the whole house as a garden house, where the sevenfold of the cella is represented.
A terrace of 28 dm is added.
So on e could observe that the house is contained within two cella’s of 28 dm : 37 dm.